We will be at the Nesting House, (http://thenestinghouse.net/locations/collingswood-nj/) in Collingswood, NJ on March 16th, 2014 at 2pm to host a workshop about Terrariums. The recent resurgence in interest in these wonderful self-contained environments has brought some great opportunities for creative learning about our environment.. The class will run approximately 2 hours and the cost is $30 per participant which includes all the materials you will need to create your own terrarium! We’ll cover the particulars of an enclosed environment, soil requirements, different types of terrariums, watering, planting, maintaining, and design. Children are welcome but we recommend children who over 7 years old and can manipulate scissors and tweezers on their own. Any child attending MUST have an adult accompanying them, and the child counts as a full paying person. ((If the adult chooses, he/she can come only as a chaparone for free, but will not be able to make a separate terrarium.) Class limit is 12 participants (not including accompanying adults). A snack will also be provided (please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions: snack will most likely be dried fruit or crackers/pretzels so that munching can take place while working without making a mess!) along with water.